Episode 09: The Beginning of The End Part 1
After the April 2021 arrests of Paul Flores and his father, Ruben, Chris recounts the search that led to them, and a timeline of the spot where investigators believe Kristin Smart's body was buried.
Smart family attorney, James R. Murphy
HRD dog, Echo, walks around the 1985 Volkswagen Cabriolet, 3/15/21
HRD dog, Annie, is walked around the 1985 Volkswagen Cabriolet, 3/15/21
Mike McConville drives by White Court during the search, 3/15/21
Mike McConville is asked to leave White Court, 3/15/21
A ground penetrating radar operator sets up his equipment, 3/15/21
Investigators crowd around a monitor to view the raw ground penetrating radar data, 3/15/21
Investigators stand around the southeast corner of Ruben Flores’ back deck, 3/16/21
Stan Smart follows the Flores family’s U-Haul on the Southbound 101, 8/17/96